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➠<International Collaborations> Dr. Zilong Liu delivered a speech titled "Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)" at the 6G Communications and Sensing Research Center on Jan. 09, 2024.


Date:2024/01/09 (二)  14:00~16:00

Venue:電資大樓 工EC2002

Topic: Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)

Prof. Zilong Liu gave a talk on "Waveform Design for Integrated Sensing and Communications (ISAC)" at 6G Communications and Sensing Research Center.

Prof. Liu discussed one of the key research questions in the field of integrated sensing and communication (ISAC): how to efficiently develop optimal or good waveforms that can be used for both sensing and communication. He first introduced an innovative multi-carrier ISAC waveform with a low peak-to-average power ratio for efficient communication applications. Prof. Liu emphasized the flexibility and versatility of setting up non-adjacent subcarriers for data transmission in a wide range of continuous spectrum bands and introduced how to optimize these non-communicating subcarriers using the Majorization-minimization method.

In the second part of the talk, Prof. Liu focused on several sensing sequences for low-complexity delay-Dubler estimation in ISAC systems. He gave an in-depth explanation of the fundamental limitations of these sequences and the way the system is constructed and emphasized the importance of these techniques in improving the performance of ISAC systems. The innovative design of these sequences is important for improving sensing accuracy and communication efficiency, especially in complex communication environments and multi-target sensing applications.

Prof. Liu's presentation provides an in-depth insight into the current ISAC technology research and guides the way for future research direction and application development, which is of great reference value for scholars and engineers involved in the field of 6G communication and sensing.


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