The team is primarily composed of Faculty from the Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Communications Engineering, and Department of Optoelectronics. Their expertise covers antennas, RF components, signal processing, communication theory, error correction codes, and advanced liquid crystal technology. In the past five years (2017–2021), the team has published 185 SCI papers, 84.8% of which are published in Q1 journals (CiteScore). The field-weighted citation impact index is 2.07, and the proportion of international cooperation journals is 53%. In the past five years, more than NT$490 million in external resources (76% are government, nongovernment industry–university programs, and intellectual property rights) have been introduced.
<EM-wave group>
Kin-Lu Wong | |
Professor(IEEE Fellow)
*Outstanding Chair Professorship
Research Interests : Wireless Communication Antenna Design, Antenna Engineering, EM Theory
Lab. Name :Antenna Lab
Chih-Wen Kuo | |
Research Interests : Microwave circuits, Numerical Electromagnetics, Electromagnetic Compatibility
Lab. Name :Computational Electromagnetics Lab
Tzyy-Sheng Horng | |
Professor(IEEE Fellow)
*Si Wan Chair Professorship
Research Interests : RF/microwave ICs and components, wireless system-in-package, digitally assisted RF technology, green radios for sensors and radars
Lab. Name : RF and Microwave Lab
Ken-Huang Lin | |
Distinguished Professor
Research Interests : Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Antennas, Electromagic Compatibility, Mobile Communications
Lab. Name : Propagation & Communication System Lab
Tsung-Hsien Lin | |
*Si Wan Chair Professorship
Research Interests :Liquid crystal physics, Photonic liquid crystal materials/devices, Advanced liquid crystal display
Lab. Name :Liquid Crystal Photonics Lab
Chie-In Lee | |
Research Interests : Microwave Circuits and Devices
Lab. Name :Microwave Circuits and Devices Lab
Fu-Kang Wang | |
Associate Professor
Research Interests : Radar System Design, Microwave Sensing Technologies, Local Oscillator Pulling Effects, RFIC Design
Lab. Name : Wireless Sensor Lab
<system group >
Chih-Peng | |
Distinguished Professor ( IEEE Fellow )
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Spread Spectrum Communications, Communication IC Design, Computer Networks
Chao-Kai Wen | |
Professor (IEEE Fellow)
Research Interests: Wireless Communications and Optimization Theory
Lab. Name :Communication Theory Lab
Tsang-Yi Wang | |
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Wireless Sensor Networks, Distributed Detection and Estimation
Wan-Jen Huang | |
Associate Professor
Research Interests: System Design and Signal Processing of Cooperative Communications and Networking, Transceiver Design of Multi-Input-Multi-Output (MIMO) Communication Systems, Signal Estimation and Detection in Digital Communication Systems
Fan-Shuo Tseng | |
Research Interests: Wireless Communications, Cooperative Transceiver Design, and Multi-User Multiple-Input Multiple-Output System
Yen-Ming Chen | |
Research Interests: Non-orthogonal Multiple Access, Space-time Coding, Error-correcting Codes, Non-coherent Communications, Biometrics
Lab. Name :Reliable Communication Technology Lab
Ka-Cheong Leung | |
Associate Professor
Research Interests: Future Internet, Smart Grid, Vehicle-to-Grid, Wireless Communications, AI applications in networking and smart grids
Lab. Name : Network Science Laboratory
Keshav Singh | |
Associate Professor
Research Interests:Cooperative Communication, Radio Resource Allocation, MIMO Signal Processing for Wireless Systems, 5G technologies such as IoT, NOMA, Rate Splitting and Full-Duplex Radios, URLLC, IRS-assisted Communications, Wireless Edge Caching and Machine Learning for Wireless Communications.
Lab. Name :Intelligent Wireless Communication Lab